With more than 25 years experience in the Dutch transport and logistics market, Jaap van der Vlies is always on the lookout for the smartest applications to save money and time on logistics. An appropriate industrial trailer may well be the answer, but it must fully reflect specific transport wishes, irrespective of whether the customer transports airplane parts, concrete poles, boxes of strawberries, or anything else. Customers can design the perfect industrial trailer for their needs in up to 9 steps.
Step 1: Digital growth strategy
What makes this product special is its modular character. We reduced all the options to 9 clear steps that a potential customer can go through to design their own industrial trailer. Drawing up online quotations in this way gives a professional buyer direct insight into all the options. This online quotation module can be rolled out among business partners using white labelling in order to generate targeted leads from the market. The buyer gains the impression that everything is adapted to his or her needs, while we standardise this at the back end.
Step 2: Technology
We opted for an online quotation module so we could develop landing pages through a clear content strategy. This enables the buyer to immediately determine the right industrial trailer. Direct contacts via chat, WhatsApp, e-mail and the various conversion buttons creates an accessible way of identifying potential buyers and quickly following up on business.
Step 3: Operation
Given the high demand for this specific product and fragmented competition, we are constantly working with Jelba to get the attention of suitable buyers of industrial trailers at just the right time. The complexity lies primarily in effectively rolling out the content strategy, because of the great variation of trailers. IndustrieleAanhangers.nl has achieved success online due to a combination of optimising this approach, intensifying collaboration with partners, operating the chat feature and, last but not least, having the best product in the market. Click here to see more of what we do on a daily basis.