Manufacturers selling products to the process industry have to deal with different target groups. Within Jelba we distinguish different target groups in our campaigns for the process industry. These include plant managers, process engineers & operators, software engineers & developers and line operators. It goes without saying that we focus on the familiar functions within Decision Making Unit (DMU) when making purchasing decisions. We want our customers’ products to be visible to process industry professionals at the right time. Whether it concerns the processing of Solids or Fluids, or counting at the end of the line when the pieces are being packed, or monitoring parts of the process, we have knowledge of the subjects, the challenges and the way the target group orients itself. Our customer VPInstruments is a good example of this. They supply compressed air monitoring systems for this industry. But Cremer is also a good example of technology within the Pharma and food industry. Telling this story internationally at the right time with the right message is a profession in itself. We are the B2B Online Specialist. So we love to do this and we understand the dynamics.
Our customers often have to deal with extreme amounts of technical specifications on which their products are selected by the end user. Making these product characteristics understandable and findable is the biggest challenge. But also the technological issues of the professional user of these products is an important added value that you as a manufacturer want to be found on. On the issue, but certainly also on the solution you offer for the challenge of the potential customer. Online offers many opportunities for the process industry, to be found and then to make product selection easy. Another big chance is that this industry often lags behind online. So will your competitors. Manufacturers that are now able to take a position online, will soon be unbeatable.
Almost half of the industrial sector in the Netherlands does not sell its products through online channels. Only 36% of industrial companies in the Netherlands have an online shop. This while it is essential to be present online. Wondering how you perform online marketing in the industry?
Read more about the state of online marketing in logistics and transport, find interesting information about online marketing in construction and installation or find out what the opportunities are in terms of online marketing in the agricultural sector. Jelba’s experts will be happy to talk to you about this.
Do you have any comments or are you curious what we can do for you? Do not hesitate to contact us without obligation.