Which PIM system is most suitable for you?

A PIM system is indispensable for any B2B organisation that offers products online. Within an organisation countless systems are often used. Information about your products is therefore often spread over different databases or systems. This is not efficient and it can be difficult to see the correct and latest product information. A PIM system solves this problem and gives you more marketing power in the area of product information.

What is a PIM system?

PIM is the abbreviation for Product Information Management. The system stores all information about your product. This system can then be linked to for example, your B2B webshop. Your product information can also be passed on through feed marketing to parties you can work with, such as Bol.com, Amazon, wholesalers, etcetera. By using a B2B PIM system, you can always easily distribute up-to-date product information for third parties as well as your own customers. If you need to provide customers with certain information about a product you can easily see this in the system and you do not have to search in different places. It is so to say your source file for all product information.

Why is a PIM system important?

71% of potential customers make a purchase decision based on the product information available. If product information is not up-to-date you miss out on many opportunities. If you offer your products in other webshops via a feed, your product information is wrong or limited everywhere. Emerce research shows that 44% of organisations think that a good PIM system ensures higher sales results and a higher product value. Thanks to a PIM system you streamline the onboarding process for suppliers; you have one channel with all your product information. In turn, you improve the quality of the product data across all channels and thanks to complete product data you ensure a better customer experience. Read more reasons why you choose a B2B PIM system here.

How does the PIM system work?

In the system you keep track of all product data you have per product. Think of the size, price, length, width and other relevant properties of a product. This is all centrally maintained. Furthermore, PIM systems can also contain video and visual material or even complete manuals or instructions for use.

If changes are made they can easily be implemented. You only adapt it in the PIM system. Thanks to the PIM system’s links with other systems, it is automatically updated at every location. Changes are made on a daily basis. Optionally, this can also be done more frequently. Today you see that more and more ERP systems want to offer this functionality in the package – until now with little success. An ERP system has financial processes, stock positions and debtor management as a basic structure. A PIM system can therefore be seen more as a marketing machine that is indispensable for a successful (B2B) e-commerce strategy.

How do I choose the right B2B PIM system?

There are a number of important factors that are taken into account when choosing the PIM system. How many products do you want to put in the system? With which systems do you want to link it? What is your budget? There are big differences between them. Are you active internationally or only locally? And so on and so forth. Below we describe a number of systems with their most important characteristics. This way you can clearly see which PIM system best fits your digital growth strategy.

Greedy Bean

  • BenefitsFlexible, many technical possibilities, low monthly costs, unlimited language versions, suitable for manufacturers
    • Integrates 1-on-1 with EZ-base, suitable for manufacturers
  • User-friendlinessHigh user-friendliness
  • PriceLow entry and maintenance costs, up to 100.000 products, a perfect system in terms of price-quality
  • IntegrationsStandard integrations, any integration is possible
  • Websitehttp://greedybean.com/

Perfion (Zevij)


  • BenefitsHas different features, specialised in different sectors
  • User-friendlinessStandard user-friendliness
  • PriceMedium to high
  • IntegrationsIntegrates with (internal) systems on request
  • Websitehttps://pimcore.com/nl

Choosing a PIM system is not easy. Whatever PIM system is chosen, it is always necessary that people with technical knowledge are involved in the implementation of the PIM system. A PIM system always requires a lot of customisation and only a well integrated system ensures the optimal processing of the product data. So always involve someone with technical knowledge! If you do not have this in-house you can always have it done by an external party.

B2B PIM-systeem with Jelba

Implementing a PIM system involves a lot of work. We advise companies that do not have any technical knowledge to not link the systems themselves. This requires expertise and technical knowledge of the systems. Jelba is a specialist in the maintenance and implementation of PIM systems for B2B companies. Do you no longer want to miss out on business because your product data is not properly maintained? We are happy to give you advice! Chat with one of our experts or call us!