Industry misses online opportunities for new business
On 18 April 2018 published the article below about Jelba and the online opportunities in the industry.
Online marketing in the industry offers many opportunities. Generally speaking, the websites of companies in the industry are still not seen enough as a sales tool to attract new buyers. It is often a digital brochure and selling products is mainly done through representatives.
95-98% of B2B buyers from the industry orient themselves online
Recent research by Jelba shows that 95-98% of B2B buyers in the industry orientate themselves online before requesting an offer. Of this percentage, 60%-70% of buyers are already aware of your products before getting in contact. Google is the number 1 point of orientation in the Netherlands. Yet most industrial manufacturers do not yet have a clear website or web shop with a logical layout with sufficient, well structured content for Google.
For companies in the industry, B2B lead generation is a very valuable sales method to use. Lead generation saves time and money. Simply because we do not rely on every appointment and customer but we look at the data and therefore at the quality of the lead. This way, the best leads with the highest success rate are filtered out. An interesting approach for online marketing in the industry can be read here.
Jelba customers are generally the exception
There are also exceptions. Well-known companies such as Cellro, Leering Hengelo, Dormer Pramet, and Klein Tooling from the metalworking industry have embraced the online transition and are giving speed to their online ambitions – but with the use of Jelba as an online marketing department. After all, not having experts in-house is a common reason why the online strategy and action does not get off the ground at B2B companies. Jelba offers unique B2B expertise in combination with online expertise and operates as a full B2B online marketing department for its customers.
Cellro for example, chooses a digital strategy to sell through its (international) dealers and makes full use of lead generation. With the niche platforms and Karel Clean, Leering Hengelo has a strategy to achieve maximum returns through lead generation and e-commerce. Here they present both capital goods and professional consumables.
More information about this article can be found here.
The goal of all our customers is to realise more sales online. We ensure that they succeed in this mission. If you are a B2B company, then we are happy to provide insight into your online opportunities and give advice on where you stand in comparison to your competition. Click here to request this scan.